Mirror Your Client’s Innate Wholeness: The Power of Seeing Beyond

How many times have you shared a dream with someone, only to be met with a skeptical look or an unsolicited projection of their advice or beliefs? If you’ve ever dared to envision something beyond the ordinary, chances are you’ve faced this.

For many, the judgments of others can feel disheartening, isolating, and confusing. Sometimes, the fear of stepping outside the norm is so intimidating that the idea of dreaming bigger is buried before it ever sees the light of day. We can’t tell you how many accomplished, professional, successful students in the MRA have told us : “I’ve never been given permission to dream this big.” 

A fellow Mind Rebel™ Coach, Shannon Clarke, put it perfectly: “The best mentors and coaches see you for who you truly are, and then some.” This rings true not just in coaching, but in any relationship where support and growth are valued. The most profound gift we can offer others is to hold space for their dreams, even when those dreams seem beyond reach.

Sometimes, we find ourselves holding a bigger vision for someone than they can yet hold for themselves. If we listen closely enough, we may catch glimpses of their most expansive hopes—sometimes before they do. We may feel the pull of their untapped potential, sometimes before they fully believe it’s possible for them.

And sometimes, that’s enough.

A quiet smile when they share a fledgling idea can be transformative. Reflecting back the possibility you see in them, even if it’s just a seed of a dream, is an act of deep reverence. It’s a way of saying, “I see you, and I see what you could become.”

This doesn’t change when they show up with doubts, guardedness, or resistance. Even then, we have the opportunity to see them as whole—capable, resourceful, and inherently creative. To hold that vision is to remind them, subtly or directly, of their own boundless potential.

When we mirror someone’s innate wholeness back to them, we give them permission to step beyond fear, judgment, and limitations. We help them trust in a vision that, deep down, was always theirs to begin with.


Coaching Skills for Everyday Life: The Art of Partnering


Embodying the Mind of a Coach: The Art of Holding Space