The Mind Rebel™ Diaries: Manifesting versus Surrender

There is a difference between manifesting something for your life, and surrendering to the flow of Life itself.  

It’s a fine line.

To me, mastery of this work does not mean perfect alignment where all your dreams are manifested into reality easily and effortlessly.

Mastery is the embodiment of an unrelenting devotion to yourself.

A promise that when you’ve lost your way you’ll come back Home to yourself, over and over again.

The courage to gently lay down the false selves that you’ve subconsciously created over the years, selves that have something to prove and something to protect. 

Even when laying them down is scary.

Especially when doing so feels like a threat to the security and safety of those false selves (which, in the moment, feels more like a threat to the security and safety of your self).

Life responds to that level of courage with a power unlike anything else.

I have experienced it in my own life and witnessed it in the lives of other students of the Mind Rebel™ work time and time again.  

Life will split oceans and move mountains in response to that level of devotion.

But first, we must surrender to Life.

I cannot tell you how many times I have shaken my fist, pushing, striving, willing something to be – using all my force and might to summon it to me now

Like a stubborn and closed-minded toddler not getting her way, cursing at the Universe: “if only you could give me what I want.”

Pleading, begging, whining when it still doesn’t come “I promise, my plan is so good. If you just give it to me, then you’d understand.

And like a good Mother who has access to the bigger picture, who knows that giving into her child’s every whim and demand is in fact not in her greatest good – and even more, would stunt her growth and evolution - she patiently and compassionately shakes her head no. 

And in that energy, Life stands firm, and does not give me what I want.


No matter how hard (or for how long) I push, fight, work, strive, scream, beg, plead.

Life does not move.

Until I’ve exhausted myself and cannot go on forcing things any longer.

And, finally, I fall to my knees, and surrender.

Not by waving the white flag and giving up on my dreams, but by letting go of all the “how’s”.

Laying them on the altar.

As the energy within me softens and shifts, I hear Life whisper to me “the outcome is inevitable, but your suffering on the journey to get there is optional.”

And somewhere deep within my being, I understand what that means.

To the courageous souls reading these words; to those steadfastly walking their path in reverence to their most authentic selves; to those who feel the call deep within their being, and are ready to take that next best step forward, I share this message with you – from my place of wisdom to yours:  

The big, bold, beautiful vision brewing for your life and the elements your Soul most deeply yearns for – they are coming. In fact, if you look around, many of those elements may already be here.  

Your courage to live a life authentic to you, has been and always will be rewarded.  

It may not look exactly how you imagined.  And in most cases, it will not unfold the way your strategic mind thought it would. 

And thank goodness for that.

Life needs mystery to delight you.

Or else, what’s the point of it all?

Through the years I have learned that true devotion to myself means trusting that voice within; the voice that seems to know something my logical mind doesn’t.

Following that inner wisdom above anything else. 

So, go on and dream, darling.  

Dream from the most aligned place within, from the seat of your most authentic self.

And with a hopeful and wide-open heart, engage in this dance with life. 

When it’s your turn to lead, take inspired action. And when it’s Life’s turn to lead, just lean back and be held, letting go of the “how’s”.

After all, the how’s are none of your business.  

Your work is to simply come back Home to yourself, over and over and over again.

So that you can hear the whispers of Life guiding you every step of the way.

Taryn Watts, Master Certified Coach & Founder of the Mind Rebel™Academy.

Yearning for more? 

If you need a catalyst for this type of transformation in your life, the Mind Rebel™ Method was designed to guide people to do this life-changing work.  

In Part 1 of the Mind Rebel™ Coach Training Series, we hold a container of exquisite support for our students, giving them tools and a roadmap that has the power to serve them for the rest of their lives (whether or not you want to become a transformational life coach, this portion of the training is for the dreamers.)

First, we journey inward and discover the false selves so that they can come back home to who they truly are (beyond what the world has expected them to be).

Then, from this place of alignment, students tap into the deepest yearnings brewing inside their heart, and powerfully launch a vision for their life.

All the while learning how to do this for those they love and serve as well. 

We’re not for everyone – and we’re not trying to be. Our well-defined, highly refined focus is on those with whom we’re in alignment; those with whom we make magic happen. 

Our students find us exactly when they are meant to.  So, if you feel that resonance and pull deep within, follow that hunch and reach out to see if the MRA is the right school for you.  

Your future self, along with your future dreams, will thank you.


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